“Life is marvelous if i along with the ocean”
自然の中で起こる数々のMavelous に刺激をうけ
NO OCEAN NO LIFE な人生にエッセンスを
"Life is marvelous if i along with the ocean"
This, in a slogan, declaration
In much Mavelous which happens in the nature, a stimulus, float.
The brand building the affected sensitivity genre lessly in a sea
The idea that I don't stick to the immediate fashion and am born from a free viewpoint.
It's introduced to the details and the pattern and that it's stylish, the humor.
Inweaved clothes are being designed.
"Beachwear for the adult who goes to a sea from a city"
The total coordinates which can be used habitually for a long time are proposed to a O theme.
NO OCEAN NO LIFE It's essence in a life.